Telematic notification of food supplements in Valencia
The Autonomous Community of Valencia already allows telematic notification of food supplements. In fact, it is mandatory in the case of companies or legal persons to carry out the process of telematic notification of food supplements.
The persons obliged to interact with the Generalitat of Valencia through electronic means, under the terms of article 14 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure, as well as applicants who, not being obliged to do so , choose this route, submit applications electronically through the electronic headquarters of the Generalitat. The processing is carried out in the corresponding Public Health Center by reason of the municipality where the registered office of the company responsible for notification of placing on the market or of data modification of food supplements is located.
The General Directorate of Public Health of Valencia will communicate to the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) for its knowledge the notifications it receives. in this regard, and as established in article 9.1.a) of Royal Decree 1487/2009, of September 26, relating to food supplements:
To facilitate the effective control of food supplements, the person in charge of marketing the product in Spain must notify the competent authorities of its placing on the national market, sending them a copy of the product label prior or simultaneous to the first time in the market. Said mandatory notification must be made by the manufacturer or the person responsible for the first placing on the market or the importer (in the case of third countries).
For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding section:
a) The notification of the placing on the national market of food supplements, of national manufacture or from other countries belonging to the European Union, shall be submitted to the competent autonomous community bodies by reason of the registered office of the manufacturer or the person responsible for the first placing on the market. The autonomous communities will communicate to the Spanish Agency of Food Safety and Nutrition for their knowledge the notifications they receive”.
Therefore, in Valencia, legal entities will be obliged to notify food supplements or registration of food supplements electronically through the digital certificate. Our legal and technical team is responsible for carrying out the entire notification process: registration in the sanitary registry, review of product labels, notification in another country of the European Union to apply the principle of mutual recognition, preparation of all documentation, etc. .