Do you want to sell food supplements in Italy? Don’t wait, start now!

The transalpine country is one of the most interesting and dynamic markets for marketing new products, which is why LegaleGo offers you a special service for selling food supplements in Italy. In order to be able to operate in this market, it is essential to comply with a series of regulations in terms of food regulation. In addition, it is essential to have Italian credentials for product notification on the electronic platform. The average time for the credentials to be issued is approximately 1 month, although it depends on the inspector reviewing the dossier and can take several additional months. If you want to skip this step, we can help you to get your FBO on the Italian market in record time, without waiting, being your FBO on the Italian market. How? Read on and you will find out. Furthermore, this page will explain how we can help you to sell your products in one of the emerging markets with the greatest European and international projection. We will go over market trends, current regulations, EU regulations, and the different problems that could occur along with their solutions, so that this path will be a highway that will lead your company directly to achieving its objectives.

Why sell food supplements in Italy?

why sell food supplements in italy

Italy is one of the strongest food supplement markets in Europe. It is estimated that approximately 65% of Italian adults consume supplements on a regular basis, making it one of the largest markets in the EU. The Italian population, especially those over 65 years of age, is particularly interested in products that improve their quality of life, brain health and overall physical well-being. The food supplements market in Italy has grown steadily over the last few years, establishing itself as one of the most important in Europe. In Western Europe, the market is expected to grow by 6.8% year-on-year, with the Italian market being one of the largest in this area. In 2018, the Italian market reached 2.7 billion euros in turnover, and following the pandemic, a strong and considerable increase in sales has been observed, especially vitamins and natural products such as probiotics, minerals and botanicals.

Compared to other European countries, Italians invest significantly more in this type of products. In fact, they invest five times more than Spaniards and four times more than consumers in countries such as France or the United Kingdom. For example, in 2020, Italy accounted for 15% of the European food supplements market, behind only Germany, which leads the continent with 20%. In terms of sales channels, 73.2% of food supplement sales in Italy are through pharmacies.
are made through pharmacies, although the trend is that this percentage is beginning to decrease as trade through online channels increases. Among the main trends in food supplement consumption in Italy, the following stand out:

  • Supplements for brain, bone and digestive health, especially for the ageing population.
  • Minerals such as potassium or magnesium, used by consumers to increase daily energy
  • Practical and customised formulations, such as those developed in powder or liquid form, facilitating regular consumption.

Food regulations in Italy – what is needed?

Regulations in Italy

One of the main challenges in selling food supplements in Italy is to ensure that your products comply with strict European and national regulations. In particular, we point out Regulation (EC) 178/2002 and Regulation (EU) 1169/2011, which lay down the basis for food safety and correct information to consumers, respectively. Both regulations are mandatory for all products that want to enter the Italian market. In this article of our blog, we provide you with all the details and requirements in this regard. But one of the special features of selling food supplements in Italy is that it is necessary to register on the platform of the Ministry of Health. Although at first glance it may seem a simple process, sometimes it is very tedious, taking more than a month, depending on the occasion. Therefore, with our FBO service we can place your products on the Italian market in a record time of just a few days. With our comprehensive Italian FBO service, LegaleGo’s team of experts will help you comply with all the regulations, ensuring that your products pass all the checks without unnecessary delays. We will also point out that as a seller of food supplements you will have to comply with certain obligations with regard to product information, traceability and withdrawal from the market in the event of a problem being detected. We will accompany you throughout the process to ensure that everything is in order.

I’ve decided, I’m going to sell food supplements in Italy. How do we start?

If you want to start selling your food supplements in Italy now, you must have the notification credentials for the health system. In case you don’t have it, LegaleGo can help you. Simply fill in the contact form below or call us on (+34) 910 481 086 and one of our experts will contact you to explain in detail the steps to be taken. We will draw up a tailor-made collaboration agreement, where we will provide detailed information on the commitment we will make to your products and your company, including:

  • Máxima velocidad en el proceso: Te ayudaremos a cumplir con los requisitos legales lo antes posible para que puedas vender sin demoras. Trámites que pueden llegar a tardar meses, podemos reducirlos a pocos días, ya que contamos con los permisos y la infraestructura necesaria para poder realizar notificaciones de productos en Italia de forma inmediata.
  • Legal assistance: Ensuring that all documents and permits are in order, from labelling to required audit documentation.
  • Cost savings: We streamline the paperwork so that you don’t have unnecessary expenses, which allows you to increase your profit margin.
  • Guaranteed peace of mind: We make sure that your product reaches the Italian market with all the guarantees, freeing you from unnecessary formalities when dealing with specific regulations.

In addition, as usual at LegaleGo, this service would not be understood if we did not add:

  • In addition, as usual at LegaleGo, this service would not be understood if we did not add:
  • Notification of registrations with the Italian authorities so that your products can be marketed without problems.
  • Internal audits to ensure that your company complies with regulations before exporting products.
  • Ongoing support in case you need to make any changes or update information about your products.

Part of our basic services is the elaboration or updating of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. This manual will not only allow you to guarantee the food safety of your products, but will also be key to comply with Italian and European legislation. To find out more about this service, visit our section dedicated to the Autocontrol Manual. As you have seen, the Italian market is a great opportunity to sell your food supplements, but it is also a very demanding market with which to comply with regulations.

We offer you the direct highway to successful sales in Italy.

Don’t waste time on unnecessary red tape, bureaucracy and complications.

With our team at your side, everything will be simpler and more efficient.

Contact us and start your international expansion today!